

Petr Slavíček

Phone: +420 220 443 687


Michal Belina

Phone: +420 220 443 758

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2020): Vibronic spectra of radical cations of polyaromatic hydrocarbons

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2018): Spectroscopy of molecules in diffuse interstellar bands: Ab initio perspective

Jan Poštulka

Phone: +420 220 445 002

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2020): Photodissociation and Recombination of Hydrogen Peroxide in Water: QM/MM Study

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2018): Modelling of redox processes in molecular clusters

Jan Polena

Phone: +420 220 443 758

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2022): From photochemistry to electron-induced chemistry: Azobenzene derivatives

Jiří Janoš

Phone: +420 220 443 758

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2022): Exploring Limits of Non-adiabatic Simulations with Advanced Statistical Methods

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2020): Fotochemické uvolňování oxidu uhelnatého: Ab initio simulace s mezisystémovým křížením

Josef Filgas

Phone: +420 220 445 002

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2022): Spin-vibronic effects in photochemical reactivity: modelling, understanding and control

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2020): Fluoralkylované azidy: Teoretické studium a experimentální aplikace

Tomáš Jíra

Phone: +420 220 445 002

Tomáš Ovad

Phone: +420 220 444 014

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2023): Modeling electron impact excitations of dielectric gases: spectroscopy and dynamics

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2021): Electron-induced chemistry: The case of dielectric gases


Martin Procházka

M.Sc. student

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2022): Photoelectron spectroscopy in liquid microjets: The case of nimorazole

Simona Dubcová

M.Sc. student

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2022): Photodynamics of germanium based photoinitiators

Lukáš Peterka

M.Sc. student

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2023): Computational photochemistry of bilirubin

Marek Klíma

B.Sc. student

Ivo Řezníček

B.Sc. student

Jan Koreš

B.Sc. student

Katarína Vosovičová

B.Sc. student

Jakub Dubský

B.Sc. student

Jakub Ferenčík

B.Sc. student

Anna Mokrá

B.Sc. student


Tomáš Albert Štefanov

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2023): Exploring the electronic structure of ferrocenes: ab initio modeling and spectroscopies with liquid flat jets

Lukáš Tomaník

Phone: +420 220 445 002

PhD. thesis (defended in 2023):  Photoemission spectroscopy in liquids

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2019): Spectroscopic analysis of blood plasma samples of patients with pancreatic cancer

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2017): Methods of microalbuminuria monitoring in patients with diabetes

Vojtěch Kopecký

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2023): Modelling photochemical reactions at high pressures

Eva Didenko


B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2023): Photochemistry of cyanine dyes

Jiří Suchan


Ph.D. thesis (defended in 2023): Efficient Methods for Molecular Excited-State Dynamics

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2018): Accelerated sampling methods in spectroscopy and photodynamics

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2016): Ion pairing of LiCl: Modeling of Nuclear Quantum Effects

Jakub Med

Ph.D. thesis (defended in 2023): Ab initio modelling of electron induced reactivity

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2016): Reactions of hydrated electron in water nanoparticles

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2013): Interation of sodium with atmospheric aerosols: Solvated electron vs. charge tranfer

Marin Sapunar

Postdoctoral Stay 2022

2021 Postdoc, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Charles University, Prague
2014 – 2021 Ph.D. Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
2012 – 2014 M.Sc. Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
2012 B.Sc. Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb

Štěpán Sršeň


Ph.D. thesis (defended in 2021): Data Science Approach to Electronic Spectroscopy

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2017): Criegee intermediates: Advanced simulations of electronic spectra and photodynamics

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2015): Spektroskopie reaktivních atmosférických částic: Teoretické studium Criegeeho meziproduktu

Sergey Antipov

postdoctoral stay 2018-2020

Jan Cincibuch

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2021): Electrolytes in water and water in electrolytes

Monika Brožíková

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2021): Od fotoionizace k elektrochemii: Aromatické aminokyseliny

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2019): Ionizace a oxidace aromatických aminokyselin: Ab initio studium

Stanislav Chvíla

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2020): Alternative routes for calculating acidobasic and redox properties of organic molecules: The case of carboxypterins

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2018): Reaktivita tripletních karboxypterinů v chemii atmosféry

Daniel Hollas

Ph.D. thesis (defended in 2021): Modelling of X-ray initiated processes: Method development and applications

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2013): Simulations of nuclear quantum effects in thermodynamics and spectroscopy

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2011): Theoretical study of heavy cyclopropane chemistry

Jan Chalabala

Ph.D. thesis (defended in 2020): Ionization dynamics: Molecular modelling of radiation chemistry

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2015): Theoretical study of ionization dynamics of molecules with amino group

Maryam Mansoori Kermani

postdoctoral stay 2020

Zsuzsanna Tóth

postdoctoral stay 2018-2019

Martina Randulová

Ph.D. thesis (defended in 2020): Modelling of Electronic Spectra: Method Development and Applications

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2015): Modelling UV and X-ray spectra of transition metal complexes

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2013): Quantum chemistry study of structure and energetics of magnetic imaging contrast agents

Jaroslav Sita

M.Sc. student (defended in 2019): Zrychlení simulací elektronových spekter

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2017): Contra Condon: Modelování absorpčního spektra azobenzenu

Ondřej Dvořák

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2017): Teoretické studium fotorezistů pro EUV litografii

Radka Kittová

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2018): Vodné kvapôčky a ľadíky v kondenzovanej fáze: MD simulácie reverzných miciel

Markéta Pilneyová

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2017): Modelování elektronových spekter solvatovaného peroxidu vodíku

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2015): Fotochemie a radiační chemie peroxidu vodíku: Teoretické studium

Stanislav Pařez

postdoctoral stay January – December 2016

Jakub Kubečka

M.Sc. theses (defended in 2017): Development and Implementation of QM:QM methods for ionization of solvated systems

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2015): Studium osudu o-nitrofenolu v troposféře metodami kvantové chemie a neadiabatické dynamiky

Veronika Jurásková

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2017): Electrochemistry via Liquid Photoemission Spectroscopy: Insight from Molecular Simulations

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2015): Modelování spektroskopických vlastnosti tautomerů oxyluciferinu a jeho selenových analog ve vodném roztoku

Daria Galaktionova

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2016): Optical Properties of Highly Absorbing Helquat Derivatives: Ab Initio Study

Wilhelm Feigl

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2016): Modelování oxidace tryptofanu ve vodném prostředí

Tomáš Belloň

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2016): Fotodynamika freonů: Ab initio modelování a neadiabatické simulace

Lukáš Šištík

Ph.D. thesis (defended in 2016): Photochemical Reactions in Molecular Clusters: Theoretical Study

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2009): Structure, solvation and ionization of ionic liquids components

Miriam Kohagen

postdoctoral stay 2014 – 2015

Hana Novotná

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2015): Teoretické studium fotochemie slunečních filtrů

Michal Bezek

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2015): Teoretické studium [2+2] fotoadice: Od jednoduchých modelů k systémům využitelných ve fotokatalýze

Ondřej Svoboda

Ph.D. thesis (defended in 2015): Computational Photodynamics and Spectroscopy of Solvated Systems: Applications in Atmospheric Sciance and Radiation Chemistry

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2013): Ab initio studium fotoionizačních a fotodisociačních procesů ve vodě

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2010): Studium overtonových vibračních spekter N-H vazeb vybraných molekul v supersonických expanzích

Frank Uhlig

postdoctoral stay January – May 2015

Jiří Chmela

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2013): Spectroscopic properties of hydrated electron
B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2011):Studium solvatovaného elektronu metodami výpočetní chemie

Milan Ončák

Ph.D. thesis (defended in 2013): Study of Photochemical Processes by the ab initio methods and ab initio molecular dynamics

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2008): Fotochemie halogenvodíků na ledových nanočásticích: Elektronová struktura a ab initio dynamika

Currently at Universität Innsbruck

Pavel Štefl

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2012): Theoretical chemistry study of structure and photochemical properties of helquat derivatives

Lucie Kubelová

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2012): Fotochemie hydratovaných dusičnanových aniontů studovaná metodami kvantové chemie

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2010): Fotochemie atmosféry: Fotodisociace dusičnanových aniontů na vodních kapičkách

Jiří Průša

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2011): Pyrotechnika a energetické materiály pohledem výpočetní chemie

Eva Pluhařová

M.Sc. thesis (defended in 2010): Radiative damage in biomolecules: Ionization of nucleic acid components

Currently at Heyrovsky institute of Physical Chemistry.

Michal Kocourek

B.Sc. thesis (defended in 2007): Lipidové dvojvrstvy: studium polohy fluorescencnich znacek metodou molekulové dynamky

Tomáš Šolomek

joint student with P. Klán


Department of Physical Chemistry
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
Technická 5
Prague 6, 166 28
Czech Republic

Phone: +420-220443687
Fax: +420-220444333

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